lørdag den 15. september 2007

September 11

Ground Zero on the 6th anniversary of the attacks on the World Trade Center

lørdag den 1. september 2007

The Hypnotic Brass Ensemble

A week ago i saw these 8 fellows playing at times square and thought the music and the energy was indcredible. I bought one of their cd's and listened to for a day before writing the band a mail saying how much i enjoyed the music and that i had taken some pictures of them that day in Manhattan and if i could take a few more some time. they wrote me back and said that they needed a photographer for their friday night concert at Rose in Brooklyn. I arrived around 10.30pm and was taken to the band. We talked a little about what kind of pictures they would like before they went on stage. The Place was packed with people, but luckely i got up in the front to shoot some pictures wich in didnt stop doing all night. Here is a couple from that night.
