mandag den 13. august 2007

A day in the sun

So i have returned to the wonders of the internet. its terrible what three days without it can do to you.
Well here are two shots from yesterday (sunday). I made my way to the B & H store to spend my time looking at cameras and electronics i could'nt afford, but hey, when in Rome... Yes i bought my self a lens. A used 55-200 mm nikon. Then i had to walk the streets with it. the picture in color is taken with the new piece of equipment on Broadway, when i was walking uptown after a brief visit to Greenwich Village.
The top picture is from my everyday juncture at Times Square station. these signs are put out and collected again by some guys who are just sitting and watching people walk by. They have this little table with christian ornaments. I still havent figured out the exact purpose of their presence in the subway, but i could imagine it had something to do with converting people into christians. Come to think of it, i might just walk up and ask them, so stay tuned for more on the subway subject.

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